Frequently asked questions: Why Doula Support?
Frequently asked questions: Why Doula Support?
“A professional support person trained in the needs of the family during pregnancy andchildbirth. The doula offers non-judgmental support, guidance, evidence-based eduction, and practical hands-on support during childbirth, including comfort measures”
- International Doula Institute
A doula is an advocate that supplies reliable information to ensure a better pregnancy and labor experience!
“Subgroup analyses suggested that continuous support was mot effective when the provider was neither part of the hospital staff nor the woman’s social network, and in settings in which analgesia was not routinely available. No conclusions could be drawn about the timing of onset of continuous support.”
- Hornet, Ellen D et al. “Continuous Support for Women During Childbirth.”
A common misconception is that doulas only assist in natural, home births.
Although that is a common factor, it is not requried. Doulas support families in all birthing spaces to help bring about their ideal labor experience.