“The birth of a baby and the rebirth of a woman into a mother.”

- Doula Tiara Madric

  • Labor and Birth Support [only]

    Consultation. Virtual Birth Plan Review. Labor and Birth Support

    On-call 2 weeks prior to due date. Continuous physical support in labor with informational an emotional advocacy.

  • Restorative Birth Package

    Consultation. (2) Prenatal Sessions. On-call Labor Support. (1) In-home Postnatal Session.

    On-call 2 weeks prior to due date. Continuous physical support in labor with informational an emotional advocacy.

  • The Perfect Birth Package

    Consultation. (3) Prenatal Sessions; Preparatory Classes. Immediate Lactation Support. (1) In-home Postnatal Session.

    On-call 2 weeks prior to due date. Continuous physical support in labor with informational an emotional advocacy.

  • The Golden Tap Lactation Support

    Consutation. On-call Lactation Support. Milestone and Weaning Support